Proximity Commerce™ is when the customer has full control of when and where they make their purchasing decision, whether at home, online or on the go and whom they choose to involve. The retailer that enables this ‘conversation’ will better understand their customers’ needs and build long-term relationships. It is Reply’s vision of how technology can enable the retailer to have a genuine understanding and connection with each customer thus building loyalty over a period of time across many purchases. Proximity Commerce is an ideal state, where companies provide each customer with a service that is directly relevant and personal to them, anytime, anyplace, anywhere, without being intrusive. The mobile device is driving consumerisation and fuelling the ability to have this type of meaningful, ongoing conversation. There are over 2 billion mobile devices worldwide, the UK mobile marketing spend is already doubling year-on-year, a quarter of internet traffic related to Facebook, and 4G is here to stay...
Customers don’t want to work hard to find product information, they want the interface to be both engaging and interactive and become their “personal butler”.
Who is more informed – your staff or your customers? Every customer has the ”crowd” at their disposal at anytime and anywhere, so why not provide the same accessibility to your customer-facing staff…
The combination of social media, touch screen and mobile technologies has enabled this conversation, but this communication must be relevant and retailers need to work hard to ensure it is. The ecommerce platform acts as a hub for all elements of the retail supply chain, plus the marketing and payment activities. We at Portaltech Reply are excited to be investing in the continual growth of global ecommerce projects based on hybris technologies. We focus on helping our clients innovate their online sales channels with the integration of Reply proprietary mobile channel platforms for mobile payments, fulfilment and proximity marketing solutions.